Weekly Roundup: Week of 5-19-19


Okay, I’m calling this the weekly roundup but I struggle with consistency so just be aware that this might not actually happen weekly. Either way, this is a roundup of interesting things I’ve read or heard that I think you guys might be interested in. Let me know in the comments what you’ve read and listened to this week so I can find some new stuff.

  • I first heard of Recompose last year when reading Caitlin Doughty’s book From Here to Eternity (give it a read, it’s really interesting). After reading about it I was really excited that this could be an option in the future, if legislation allowing it could be passed- and it finally was in Washington! According to this article, the legislation also allows for alkaline hydrolysis, or water cremation, which is also an exciting option.

  • This article about nature as a prescription is interesting, and a good reminder to try to get outside during this long weekend.

  • Finding and picking a resume template can be difficult. You don’t want it to be too generic but also don’t want something too busy. As a former manager I can tell you, when I got resumes that were packed with information and basically looked like an essay, I felt less inclined to bring the candidate in for an interview. This article lists lots of options to help find a resume that fits your industry and your personality.

  • The Taco Bell Hotel is coming.

  • As the owner of a former chunkster (Dozer was 71 lbs when we got him and is now 36 lbs), this story warms my heart.

  • How to organize your life.

  • Planning on spending time in the sun but don’t really know how to pick a sunscreen? Here’s everything you need to know about sunscreen from a dermatologist.

    • While picking your sunscreen, maybe lean towards physical sunscreen instead of chemical for the time being. The FDA has proposed a rule that would mean out of 16 currently available active ingredients only 2, zinc oxide and titanium oxide, are generally recognized as safe and effective (GRASE). 2 ingredients have been found not GRASE (PABA and trolamine salicylate) and the other 12 have insufficient data to determine if they are GRASE (this does not mean they’re unsafe, we need more data to make that determination).