Weekly Roundup: Week of 5-26-19


This article on the Synthetic Age is an interesting look on how our scientific advances are changing things in our world.

  • A look at “rejection sensitivity” and how this can impact relationships.

  • There were 8 co-winners at this years’s Scripps National Spelling Bee.

  • More research needs to be done, but this clinical trial showed some concerning findings associated with energy drink consumption.

  • Physician burnout is an issue that needs to be addressed by the medical community, but it isn’t unique to medical providers. Burnout is becoming such an issue that the WHO is designating it as a syndrome in ICD 11.

  • I’ve only listened to the first episode, but so far I’m enjoying the podcast approachable.

  • Other podcasts I love:

    • Therapy Thoughts (Tiffany Roe is amazing and helping to end the mental health stigma)

    • Marketplace because Kai Ryssdal’s voice is comforting to me and back in undergrad I listened to it daily and started to kind of learn about money and the economy and want to get back to having the smallest amount of knowledge on that stuff.

    • Broken Record, recommended to me by my brother (thanks Grahm!)